Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Cougar Town"

You know, the TV show with Courtney Cox newly divorced hot mom looking for good times in her middle age. I will admit quite publicly that this show has been a guilty pleasure of mine. Not nearly as good as The Big Bang Theory but an enjoyable half hour nonetheless. I don't watch religiously but if I happen to be in front of the TV at the right time...

... why do I feel like I'm depending myself?

Anyway the show has been on for less than a season now... and already I feel like it lost its point... or at least what I thought was the point: Cougars--the life of. In the first couple of episodes Courtney was chasing young men who chased her back and she struggled to fit into the world of her boyfriend (which was the same world pretty much as her teen son). There was also an older looking lady who added comic relief with her blatant young-tail-chasing ways. Can't believe I just wrote that.

Her one liners and random pop ins in various scenes were hilarious but they've slowly disappeared as the season went on. Further, Courtney's character broke it off with her young beau fairly quickly after the first episode and moved on to an older man... then she got ride of him and is now caught in a love triangle between her ex-husband and her neighbour (the man who slept with a number of yonger women in the first episodes... until now).

While Court's character is sleeping with her ex husband (by accident...a slip to her, maybe more to him), her young coworker is sleeping with the older neighbour who secretly loves Court's character. Hmm.

So if you're keeping up with my ramble, Cougar Town, has now gotten ride of the funny Cougar, middle aged women are now dating/flirting with men their age, and men their ages have serious secret crushes on those women, but continue to sleep with younger women here and there.

If you ask me... Cougar Town has quickly become... your home town. All is right with this TV world... what gives?


  1. This is true... good eye because I didn't notice... i still find the show entertaining but thats very true... I miss that rando cougar lady with her comments!

  2. I love cougar town!!! it's one of the better sit coms out there... why does it have to seem like a guilty pleasure!
