Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Her Birthday

It's Party time!!! That's for all your comments and wishes on Twitter :) What would I do without my readers, so loyal despite sporadic posts lately!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sometimes You Just Have to Vent

And as I re-read it. That's what my last post was. People who work in my building over are "friendly" although I do get the impression of fakeness a lot of the time. They really don't like dealing with things that are negative... or don't know how. A number of them seem flighty or just... unaware... somewhere on their cloud. It's all roses until someone brings something up. It's just hard to swallow at a place where rent is twice as high as the place where everyone seemed to genuinely love their job.

So basically... maybe this still sounds like a rant. Especially since this post is not to say that they finally did something about my closet door! Haha.

Well I do like some of the staff quite a bit but I'd never have them write a test for me, let's put it that way. And if that's a low blow, let's just say, I might need to use this blog for venting purposes for the next couple of years (or until I move)!

you understand.