Thursday, February 11, 2010

"AdWeek Wrap Party"

Couple nights ago I went to the Adweek wrap party (needed a day to recover before writing about it). It was held at Lobby nightclub which was the social centre for all of Adweek during the week itself. Now if you've ever been to Lobby you know it's not the best place to have a huge social gathering. It's a long thin hallway-sized room. So as soon as people started filling the room it was basically impossible to move from group to group, let alone maneuver your way to the food table! Despite all this I had an amazing time and met a whole bunch of new people: up and comers and already-theres! It was great to see the mix! Even ran into some old acquaintances--which was nice! Oh and the drinks were amazing. And if you know Lobby... you also know that a Lobby open bar can be very valuable (Paris Hilton once tipped $300 for tea there... I'm just saying)!