Friday, August 13, 2010

"Meteors and deserted highways"

Well I bet you'd never thought you'd see a shot like the above in your lifetime. The 2 pictures featured in this post are from blogTOs photos of the week ( A huge section of the Gardiner was bare last weekend do to construction and road repairs. Another interesting picture would have been the congestion a few KMs away and caused by the angry drivers who have to take city street detours to get to where they need to go. THATS a photo of the week!

Something else that happened this week... Meteor shower! Now my rooftop closes at 11PM... it's also right downtown toronto... where the bright lights never go out. So i wasn't hoping too hard to see the show. Especially since they were estimating a 10:30 start! But my chances got even worse when i fell asleep on the couch until about 12:30AM. I tried to look out my window, thought every porter plane and flashing light was a meteor, and finally just gave up assuming no one in TO would see anything. Especially after looking at everyone's exasperated tweets. But then the picture below proves me wrong (taken at Ashbridges Bay)... so sorry i missed it!!! Did you?


  1. I saw nothing from Yonge and Eg... you're not alone!

  2. It was super faint even at Ashbridges... I'm suprised that pic came out that way... it was very smoggy ... i guess... not really the right word.
